Raising healthy, beautiful puppies with excellent temperaments is a labor intensive and time consuming process. There are many steps in the process of raising our puppies, circumstances can change for various reasons. We are as timely in answering all questions as we can be. So do know that you will need to practice your patience skills.
We understand that expecting your new family is very exciting!! And we look forward to providing you with that very special baby Poodle. We know that you will have questions. You will have an opportunity to ask all your questions and have them answered. We find that the following method works the best and is the most efficient for us and for you.
After you fill out the Puppy Application below and we receive it, we will email you back to let you know if we have a puppy for you. When we email you back with this information, we will then ask you to gather your family’s questions and submit them to us in a email. We will answer your questions via email. Puppy Applications and Questions are answered in the order they come in, we are usually able to get back with you within 48 hours, so please be patient.
To make a deposit on a puppy, you will have to ask for a Link and Password to make your reservation. No deposits accepted until we post on the website that we are accepting Reservations. Please consult with all family members and landlord if you have one to be sure everyone is ready to bring this new family member into your home BEFORE you ask for the Link and Password. When you receive the Link and Password you will have 24 hours to make your reservation. After that time other people will have the opportunity to purchase the puppy.
You can see pictures of previously raised puppies on our gallery page or on our Facebook page – Click Here
Specializing in only fine quality Poodles
- Operation Permit U18-004880
- Licensed and inspected
- AKC Compliance
- Caring stewards of the Poodle breed
- All puppies are microchipped
- All puppies examined by a licensed Vet and a statement of it’s health is noted on a sheet with the microchip number listed
- All Sires Genetically tested you will receive test results.
We sell our puppies to excellent pet homes with American Kennel Club limited registration (sold as fine quality pets).  And must be neutered by 6 months of age, or guarantee will be void.  We do not sell any puppies that are intended to be cross bred.
If the puppy you have decided on becomes unavailable (due to any unforeseen cause, or you are unable to take your puppy when it is ready to go home) you may bank your deposit puppy for a later time that better fits your schedule. Your reservation will be placed in the first position for the next available puppy of the same size, sex, and color as the one you have reserved. Otherwise we do not issue refunds.