Looking for the perfect summer snack for your poodle? There are many delicious and healthy options to help your pet stay cool this summer! Check out our favorite recipes below, and remember to check that the fruits included in your homemade treats are safe for your pet before feeding.
Frozen Banana Treats
This yummy summer snack is easy-to-make and only involves three ingredients: Yogurt, peanut butter and banana. After blending your ingredients in a food processor, pour into ice trays or small plastic cups and freeze. These delicious snacks are perfect for eating in the yard on a hot summer day! Click here for the recipe.
Frozen Yogurt Dipped Strawberries
A great source of antioxidants, this snack is one that both you and your dog will love! Cut the green tops off of your strawberries, dip in nonfat, plain yogurt and freeze on wax paper. Once these snacks are frozen, cut the larger berries into bite size pieces and enjoy! Click here for the recipe.
PB & Fruit Ice
Blend peanut butter and water to create this frozen snack. Pour the mixture into a bunt or cake pan, and add chopped fruit and flax seeds. Let the mixture freeze for at least four hours, then bring out to the backyard! This snack is a great way to keep your pooch occupied and cool on a nice summer afternoon. Click here for the recipe and be sure to check our fruit safety guide below before preparing this frozen treat!
When using fruit while making homemade dog treats, always thoroughly clean and remove seeds or pits before feeding to your pet! There are a few fruits that can be deadly to dogs, to please remember to avoid these ingredients in your doggie snacks:
Harmful Fruits
– Grapes
– Persimmons
– Peaches
– Plums
– Raisins
Safe Fruits
Apples, bananas, blackberries, blueberries, cantaloupe, cranberries, honeydew, huckleberries, kiwis, oranges, pears, raspberries, strawberries and watermelon are all safe and healthy fruits that can be added to your pet’s snacks!
Discuss treat options with your veterinarian before feeding to your pet and do not feed special treats to young puppies. Puppies have very sensitive digestive systems and could get sick from any food outside of their regular diet. Hope your poodle enjoys these tasty summer snacks!
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